Tuesday April 17, 2012
Dear Aj

I love you very much but there are days were I feel like I'm not being the kind of mother you deserve. Yesterday as I was leaving for work I noticed that you felt warm. When I checked your tempater my concern was true, your fever was a scary 104. I was busy at work and could not take the day off so Daddy stayed home with you. As I walked out the door, a tear rolled down my check. It's a Mommy's job to sooth their sick child. I knew that you were in good hands with Daddy but it took ever power of my being not to run back inside and cuddle with you. I love my job and I love what my job brings to our family. I often wonder though would you be better off if I stayed home with you? I know the answer is no. You are in a wonderful school that gives you lots of love and experience. When we do spend time together my attention is 100% on you because I crave the moments that I get to spend with you. I will continue to have my "working mother guilt" but deep down I know that I am a good mother. I hope you think so too
Love mommy
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