December 20, 2011
To my Strong and Brave Baby Boy
I promise Santa really is a good guy |
Life keeps giving you lemons and we will keep making lemonades together. Who has ever heard of a fifteen month old little boy having arthritis symptoms? I for sure haven't but there you were walking and acting like a little old man with arthritic knees. You could barley bend your knees to walk over the door jam, and crawling was out of the question because it brought way to much pain. You were in so much pain that you would not even want to move you legs. Your poor ears were bothering you earlier in the night so I had given you some pain medicine which must have made you feel better after a little while because you wanted to play. We were in the kitchen, I was sitting on the floor and you would bring me you farm animal magnets off of the fridge. One by one, stiff legged you would waddle over to me and drop off another animal. You were smiling and laughing the whole time, until you would drop one. You were in so much pain you could not figure out how to bend down and pick your animal magnets up. Oh my poor baby, it is not fair that you have to go through all of this. I know deep in my heart though that you are strong and will be a better person because of everything that you have had to go through in your short little life. I know that I will be here to love you and support you through these times. I wish I could take your pain away but I can not, so no matter what I will be here to love and cuddle you. This Septic arthritis will go away and you will feel better. We have all been very lucky that everything that you have gone through, no matter how sad and tragic will go away and you will recover. We have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I will not take your health for granite. Ever.
With all that is going on around us, we have not lost site of the upcoming holidays. Santa will be coming soon and you still needed to let him know what you wanted for Christmas. We were in Luck, Santa was going to come early and visit the children of our neighborhood. You got all dressed up and off we went. We walked into the house and Santa Let out a ho ho ho and you let out a cry. We stayed and watched for awhile as other kids came in to say hi and tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. You never warmed up, Santa got a ear full of screams from you. Don't worry I am sure he still got the jest of what you wanted.
Maybe next year you can tell him what you wanted.