This is what we know so far
1. he has a mature teratoma2. His AFP levels have dropped 6 points since the surgery but are still high
So what does that mean?
At this point I really just do not know. I am hoping with all my might that it means good things. From my own online research (which there is not much and I am not an expert) a Mature teratoma is usually a benign tumor (happy dance) but can quickly mutate and metastasize into a malignant tumor. however in my research I could not figure out if high AFP is common in this type of tumor. So the question that I keep asking my self over and over is "Why is the AFP elevated?" Anyone!?! I just do not know. You might be asking your self what AfP is. It is a hormone that is released in your body and at different stages in your life can mean different things. In the situation that we are in, a high AFP tends to mean cancer. This is why originally the doctors though that AJ had a yolk sack tumor (which he may still have) with each test we learn a little bit more, at the same time each test seems to also be leaving us with more questions. I feel like I am putting together a puzzle without the box. we know he has something but what it is, we just do not know. We will still have to do another blood test, get the results from the chest x-ray as well as find out further information on his tumor. We are meeting with his oncologist on the 17 and I am hoping that they will help put all of these pieces together and give us a better picture about what is going on.I want to say Thank You again for every ones support it has meant so much to our whole family