Tuesday, June 7, 2011


June 7, 2011

Dear Aj,

Happy Nine Month Birthday!

You are a budding little boy and are changing on a daily bases, I almost can not keep up with you. So much has happened this week and I do not know where to start so I think I am going to try something new.
1. In the morning when Daddy is getting ready for work and at night when Mommy needs to cook dinner we put on one of two baby videos for you to watch. You are so happy every time the music comes on and you hate to be disturbed. This week you have started to interact with the videos, you will screech when the monkey puppet comes on and says high or even laugh when the gorilla claps his hands. 
2. As you know mommy has a horrible voice, but for some reason you like it. So we sing a lot of songs. This week Old McDonald has a Farm is climbing up the charts as your all time favorites. During dinner time when you tend to be tired from your long day I have found that a Old McDonald makes our dinner into a comedic routine. You are on the edge of your seat to know which animal I am going to come up with next and I am proud to say that sometimes when I make the animal sounds you laugh so hard you spit out you food!
#3 My little swimmer to be! Earlier this week as you were taking you nightly bath you tried something new. You put your face in the water and blew bubbles and you came up smiling. I was so happy that I was clapping and laughing which only made you do it more!!!! My fish gene has been passed on to you. I just can not wait for the weather to get warmer so we can get you in a pool!

These were only a few of many moments that made me smile this week. You are truly are my everything.

Love you Forever