To my growing boy
Your cuteness surprises me on a constant bases! The other day I had given you a cup of goldfishes to snack on. I went off to finish the dishes when I hear a bazaar sound. I went to check it out, as I turned the corner to the living room I found you grabbing handfuls of your goldfishes and putting them into Annie's food bowl. I was curious to see what you were going to do, so I hide behind the door. When the content of your snack bowl was emptied you stood back, pointed your figure at her and started gibber jabbing away at her. Annie will only eat when you tell her OK, so the poor dog just sat looking longingly at her bowl. When I final came over and told her "OK" she gobbled it all up. You just started laughing and clapping
The one thing that I love about you is that you're not afraid to try new and exciting thing. This weekend we went over to some friends house to try their famous beef curry. At dinner time we sat down to enjoy our meal. You and best friend were sitting at your own table eating y. Let me rephrase that, you were inhaling your meal. At one point we had to take your bowl away so that we could take your shirt off. You let out the loudest howl that we have ever heard. When we noticed that you were getting to the end of the bowl and still looked hungry we did not dare take your food away, instead we just made you a whole new bowl.
You are the highlight to my day and love spending every moment that I can with you.