Tuesday, May 3, 2011


May 3, 2011

Dear Aj
I can not believe that you are almost 8 month, I know that you are going to keep getting older every month but for some reason it still surprises me every month.
We had a great Friday! You saw Mrs. Hedi your physcal therapist and passed your exam with flying colors. She was very happy with your improved head tilt and your sitting. As always we still have to work on you tummy time to make sure you learn how to crawl and not scoot across the floor on your bum. After your doctors appointment we rushed to Costco to pick up this months "house supplies" and from the moment we stepped into the store everyone kept saying how cute you are! Every time turned a corner someone else would co over how cute you are. I hear how cute you are all the time but I promise you it never gets old.
