Dear Aj,
I wish I had a good reason why it has been a whole three weeks since I have written you a letter, but I don't. The times seems to fly by and I always kick myself for not staying more on top of your letters, I am so afraid that I'm going to forgot to write down something that you learned and then forget it all together as the years go on. The other day I was holding a little tiny baby and could remember you being that small. I know that at one time you were and you fit just right in my arms. But that day is gone and I am already forgetting how you felt. I love you and everything that you do, I never want to forget the small things that sends a smile to my face to my face today.
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Tuesday March 6, 2012 |
You and your shoes! I guess it is only to be expected, both your Dad and I love shoes. Your first words out of your mouth when you wake up in the morning are shoes!?! shoes!?! You want nothing more to put them on, and it does not matter what you are wearing. The day this photo was taken it was warm so you are in just a diaper, but it has been really cold so your shoes go over your feetie PJ's.
Your love for shoes will come out in other ways. When I shower I will bring you into the bedroom so I can keep an eye on you. I have had to learn to close the closet door, other wise you will go in and take all of your Daddy's shoes out into the bedroom. Your Daddy says that in the morning when he is getting dress you will bring him, not just one but 2 shoes. A matching pair!
I still love how when you are in the car you take your shoes off. When I open up the door you now point at your feet and say with just the biggest smile.
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March 13, 2012 |
My Little Artist
You are a very well behaved little boy, just full of energy and you don't like to sit still for long. You never have, I think part of the reason you were so fussy when you were a baby was because you were board. However when I sit you down with play dough or crayons you will color for 30 - 40 minutes. That is a very long time for you! The best part is you are loving every minute of it! You are not particular about your medium, you love crayons, have started to get really good with the dot markers and stickers are not a problem for you. I love how serious you look when you color. In fact I think it is the only time when you are not smiling or laughing. The thing is, you are having a blast! You will walk over to your buster seat and motion to go in. You know that this is your place to color. Grandpa-pa was so impressed with your art skills that he went out to buy you your own crayons for his house. I guess not only did you inherit your Grandpa-pa's name but also his art skill as well. I am so excited for all the art projects that we get to do through out the year
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March 20, 2012 |
I am not going to lie, Mommy does not look very pretty. But I guess we looked like we were having fun cause Daddy ran into the house to grab the camera. In this photo I had just finished planting our little veggie garden (Lettuce, Strawberry and mixed herbs) Daddy had just finished baking Spotted Dog Bread for Saint Patty's day and we were trying some while enjoying the sun.
Over the last 3 weeks your vocabulary and word comprehension has totally exploded! You have started singing Old MacDonald's E I E O not the whole song just the chores. I have to tell you it is the cutest thing in the world. You will just walk around and say it, when ever your Daddy and I hear you sing it melts are hearts.
It is not just your singing, but your mimicing. You have been watching films in french since you were just a couple months old, I also will read to you in french when I can. The other night we were reading a book about counting in french. All of asouded you repeated after me: un, deux, trois. It was magic to my ears!
With all of this growth you have also started to have a little personality. The other night I was just playing on the computer, when you walked up to me and said Whoa...whats that I mean how cute is that. You say it quite often which is normal but it is the Whoa that gets me every time.
One more thing (I told you, you have been a busy little bee the last couple of weeks)
Your new favorite song is When you are happy and you Know it. You love clapping your hands, stomping your feet and shouting hooray! This song can take you from a crying melt down to a happy kids in 2 seconds flat!
I guess that is it. I wish I could say that you have been healthily this whole time, but that would be a lie. In the last 3 weeks you got sand in your eye which lead to 2 doctors appointments and drops in your eyes morning and night. As well as pink eye in your other eye. As always we get through it, this time it was harder for you because you are NOT a fan of eye drops. That's OK, you are getting better
Love you with all my heart. I can not wait and see all the other fun things you learn.
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