Tuesday November 29, 2011
Dear Aaron,
Every week I feel like my letters to you start out the same, I say something along the lines about how big you're getting or how fast you're growing. I can almost laugh at myself how repetitive I sound but it is so true. You grow and change way too quick, I feel like I can barley keep up with you. My new thing is listening to your
babble gibberish. I have no idea what you are saying but you will recite these monologues and only you can understand these wonderful cute words that flow from your mouth. You have also started to experiment with new ways of communicating with us. We can ask you a question, for example "Aj, do you want a snack?" and you shake not only your head, but you whole body
I wish I could report that you have been on the mend this week and are feeling ten times better, but you're not. In fact we have to been to the doctors so much this month, I think we have read all the book that they have in the waiting room. I have been really sick all week :-( I thought I caught what ever cold you had but in fact what I have must be something new. On Sunday night you came home from your little friends birthday party feeling just fine. When I went to check on you later that night after we put you to sleep you felt a little warm, after I went to bed your daddy woke me to let me know that you had a temperature of 103! The next morning we took you to the doctors and she was not happy with how you were breathing, she sent us straight to the hospital to get a chest x-ray. Because you are so little they had to put you into this scary looking plastic contraption that kept your arms over your head and you completely still. I held your hands and song you songs, but you cried the whole time. It broke me heart to see you like that but I knew that we had to get this done. Later that day we found out that you had Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Pneumonia. As you can imagine I was worried about you and watched you very carefully. The next day I noticed that your breathing seemed a little funny so we went to go see the doctor again. Your breathing was fine but you had a new double ear infection. Oh Brother, no wonder you don't feel well. So much going on and yet through it all you still find time to smile. I think you inherited your Grandpa-pa's strength, cause every time you get sick I am always amazed at how what a little trooper you are
Love your very amazed mother.
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