We left the hot dry weather of the suburbs and drove into the city, we could feel the tempter drop and soon realized that we did not back enough warm cloth. Luckily the baby had a sweater and a blanket, so he got bundled up for the short walk through Golden Gate Park to the museum.

Aaron and I have been to the museum once before and we both Love the rain forest exhibit. They have done such a beautiful job of putting together the Living Rain Forest you "Step inside a living 4-story rain forest, where dripping water sets the beat for a symphony of croaking frogs and chirping birds." You enter at the floor of the forest "and climb into the tree-tops of Costa Rica to find free-flying birds and butterflies." The child in us all came out in the forest, it is amazing to see this beautiful butterfly fluttering around. Their colors and size range from dull brown to vibrant pinks and blue and small as a couple inches to as larger as your whole hand. You feel as if you are taking a mini vacation and are transferred to a whole new world with out ever getting on a plane. "Finally, descend in a glass elevator into the Amazonian flooded forest, where an acrylic tunnel allows you to walk beneath the catfish and arapaima that swim overhead."

Lil you are soooo sweet... I love when I do get to see you!! Although it's not often enough! Love you lil!!