Dear Aj,

All I have to say to you tonight is, you are a faker. I have been trying to get you to crawl all week. I know you can do it but you just sit and cry. I have been able to make you crawl by allowing to go after my cell phone, or Daddy got you to crawl over to your pacifier, other than that you are a sitting duck. However at daycare you are a little escape artist. You try to make a break for the baby gate any chance that you see it open. When I picked you up today I got down on the ground and you crawled all the way over to me gave me a big hug and kept on going! I loved seeing you crawl, it just melted my heart. This just in, Daddy says that you crawl all over for him!!!! Come on kid I want to see you crawl.
Much Love,
Your Mommy
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