Tuesday, April 12, 2011


April 12, 2011
Dear Aj,
This was the first week that you sat up in your stroller without using the car seat attachment! You are sitting up so big and proud and love looking around at the world. I love how you will lay back with your blanket and suck you thumb when you start to get tired on our walks. The other day you were hanging out in the stroller and I put the blanket next to you and plopped back in your seat and started to snuggle with the blanket and sucking on you thumb. Ever since you were born you sucked on your thumb, but in the last couple of weeks it has become something that you have been doing on a more consistent bases. Today I looked down at your hands as I was giving you your afternoon bottle and your little thumb looked like a rasin, all shriveled up.

Love Mommy

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