Monday, October 31, 2011


I love Halloween, To me this holiday is means more than costumes and candy. It means falling leaves, rainy days curled up the couch and pumpkin lattes.
The Official Halloween Greeter

Watching how it is done

Trick or Treat

The Gang

I love the look on Aj's Face as he looks up to his cousins

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Tuesday October 25, 2011

Thats Right I am Walking

Dear Monkey,

You took your first step this week and then your second and your third! You are so cute, you will waddle around and when you fall down you let out a low "oooooooo". You will be up and running around in no time, then we will all be in trouble.

This week you also got your first fever and ear infection. We spent the week in our PJ's watching cartoons and doing a lot of snuggling. I could tell that you started to feel better when you no longer wanted to sit and cuddle on the couch with me.  I am so happy that you are feeling better but I miss my little cuddle monkey.

Keep on Growing little boy
Love Mommy

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The 3 Amigo's

The Three Amigo's

Girls day out used to have a a different meaning, we used to grab lunch or get pedicares.  Now we are all Mommy's to these wonderful little boys. We love spending time together and enjoy switching our girls day out to a very fun play date!

"O" I think I throw it over there
Zachery going around and around on the Train

Kalob Enjoying the Merry go Around

Walking about

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Tuesday October 18, 2011

How is it so much could happen in one weekend. I feel like every time I turned around you figured out something new.

Aj's Big Achievments
1. Crawled on top of your drum set to reach the light switch. You the proceeded to turn the light on and off...on and off... on and off....
2. Playing in the park like a big boy. You have your new shoes and your crawling jeans on and your ready to explore! The swings are your favorite, you may not look like you are having fun but the minute we have to take you out you let us know that you are not happy.
3. "I do it" your first sentence and trust me you use it a lot
4.You have no fear of the water. We went swimming at the pool this weekend,  their baby pool is about 1 1/2 deep. You love hanging onto a noodle and walking around in the baby pool, however you fell a lot, you were never scared about being under water and never cried if it toke me an extra second to grab you. You are already ready to go again. 
5. Your first art piece. With daddy out of town and an open weekend with a lot of free time. I grabbed the crayons and a piece of paper and let you expirence all the pretty colors. You loved it for a total 3 minutes before you were ready to move on.  We still got a beautiful piece of of it. 

Keep growing baby boy, I will be here to watch every minute of it.
Love Your very proud 
Aj's first piece of art

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Tuesday October 11, 2011

Dear Aj,

Part of growing up is making friends and Kairi would be your best friend. You and Kairi met at school soon after you started.  Since day one the two of you were like 2 peas in a pod you are always together. When you were little they would have to seperate the two of you if one was sleeping and the other was awake. The baby that was awake would purpusly try and wake the other one up. Now that you are both older your bond is even stronger.  I have been told that if any of the kids at school try to touch your food while you're eating, you get pissed! However if Kairi would like to have a taste, your more than happy to share. The feeling is mutal for Kairi too. She is Queen of the castle in daycare and she does not like the other kids playing on it, however for you my dear your aloud to do what ever you please.
Best Buddies. 

You will have many more friends come in and out of your life and I can't wait to meet them all! I am sure I will love some and some will drive me crazy but in the end as long as they are being a true friend I will love them too.

Love you Always and forever

Aj and Kairi

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tatie's Turning 5

Happy Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
May this Year be filled with Lots of Love and Laughter. 
Birthday Girl

Making the Pizza

Enjoying the Pizza

Proud Big Sister

Beautiful Girl

I wish I may, I wish I might

Happy Birthday

Kairi's First Birhtday

Best Friends 4 Ever

You are my best friend,
My very best friend,
You make me happy,
You share your great snacks,
You share your best toys,
So please don't take
My best friend away. 


Get Back here mister!

Birthday Girl!

Want Some Cake

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Tuesday October 4, 2011

Dear Aj


You have become so fast at crawling up the stairs, up onto the furniture and just about anything you do. The question that everyone asks me is "Is he walking yet?" I promptly say "No! and I am more than okay with him still crawling" You are so fast now that I can't imagine what it will be like with you as a walker. Just don't run to far away from me baby boy.

No matter how fast you get, I will always be right behind you. No matter how far you go, I will always keep an eye on you.

Love you