Tuesday, December 27, 2011


December 27, 2011

Dear Aj

Merry Christmas! I love the holidays and am so excited to be able to share it with you. This whole week we have been going out Christmas light hunting. I love hearing you in the back seat letting out a low "wow" when we pass by a house that is light up to the extreme. I think it is even more exciting for us to come home and for you to see our Christmas tree, we will sit in front of the tree looking at the lights and you will point to the ornaments. When you get older I can tell you all the stories about were we got them. I know that will love to hear all the adventure that we have have been through through out the years

Christmas Morning playing with your new toys
The best part about the holidays is the time we get to spend with family! Mommy's family always celebrates on Christmas Eve. This year the whole family got together, that means all the Aunties, Uncles and 7 cousins where together, we even had some extras friends join us this year. You played well with Baby Lauren, you kept giving her kisses. All of the girl cousines wanted to hold your hands and kept trying to pick you up. Your boy cousins were a little more gentle with you but still very protective over you. They would hold you hand as you walked down the hall. At one point during the night Dylan was so excited because he was able to give you a bottle.

The next morning we woke up and Santa had been to our house. He stuffed your stocking and put presents under the tree. You loved the push toy that Santa left for you and in your stocking Santa left you a ball "bubble" some big boy water bottles, forks and flash cards.

Friends and Family came over later that morning for breakfast. Your Grandma-ma and Grandpa-pa gave you your rocking horse the night before, but Grandma and Grandpa brought you their present on Christmas morning. They brought you a bran new red rider push wagon! The look on your face when they put it down in front of you was priceless. Your eyes light up and a smile spread across your lips, I swore I could also see some mischievous brewing in there too. You spent the morning hoping from the horse, to the waggon to your push toy from Santa.

Merry Christmas Baby,

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