Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Tuesday April 24, 2012

Dear Aj,

I don't even know where to begin with all my exciting stories that I want to tell you.  First off Mommy turned 30this weekend, so when Daddy and Mommy went out to celebrate you had your first sleep over with Grandma-Ma. Of course you did great, as we were leaving you waved and "bye bye" not a hint of unhappiness in your voice. According to Grandma-Ma you had great time playing out side and coloring with Grandpa-Pa.

What I am most proud of is today when I grabbed you from the gyms day care the teacher told me that a little girl tried to take a tricycle away from you. You very calmly pointed to the other car and said babbled that this was your car and to use the other one. The little girl listened and went over to use the other car. I was so proud of you for standing up for your self but at the same thinking of the other little girl.

Grandma-Ma and Grandpa-Pa were very proud at how well behaved you were and think you are a great little boy.

See I am not the only one.

Love you,