Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Tuesday March 15 Week #28

Hi Monkey
You had your 6 months check up this week! You weighed in at a whooping  
15 pounds 15.6 oz (20.91% in your age group) and for height you came in as2' 3.75" (88.16% in your age group) you are still tall and skinny!
 We finally got the go ahead to start feeding you solids, your dad and I are so excited about all the new foods you get to start. But for this week we will just work on rice cereal. You have been very happy to tell everyone your Baba story, you always make sure to tell the important parts nice and LOUD. You are sitting up all by your self. For the last couple weeks I could get you in a nice "tri-pod" sit and you would last a couple of seconds and then fall over, however on Wednesday night you sat up by your self for almost five minutes!!! Everyday since, you have been sitting up longer and longer. My little boy, you are growing up to quick.
Love You