Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Tuesday February 14, 2012

Dear Aj,
On this day of love, I thought that we could reflect what it is you love the most. You may only be 17 months old, but you sure do have some true loves in your life.

Best Friend:
This Beautiful little girl is Kairi and she is your best friend. You both light up when you see each other, and are constantly standing up for each other when you are at school. When the two of you sit next to each other while eating it is not uncommon to see you feeding each other. You may only be toddlers but you know that you enjoy spending time together. The other night Kairi came over for a play date, you were so excited to show her your room that you nearly knocked her down trying to get there. You wanted to show her all of your favorite toys and special books. You were sad when you woke up the next morning and she was not there.

Stuffed Animals:
 You have a couple favorite animals that you tend to gravitate towards. Doug and Monkey take turns sleeping with you. Kitty gets to go on adventure with you in Mommy's car and tends to get the most beatings. Beju is a soft dog that roams around the house with you and Bobo the bear gets all your tough love. Bobo cant help that he is round, soft and lovable! Bobo was actually your first stuffed animal you ever got. Your Uncle Tristan bought you Bobo on the day that you were born and was lovingly named after his favorite stuffed animal (the original Bobo was a present from me, your Mommy on the day your Uncle Tristan was born)

Your Favorite Clothing:
You are on a red shoe kick! I think you just feel like a big kid in your red shoes. When we are getting dressed in the morning you run over to your dresser, grab your shoes and sit down to put them on. The problem is you are usually butt as naked! We are still learning that pants go on before the shoes. As much as you love putting your shoes on you also love taking them off. It is not uncommon for me to grab you out of the car seat and you will have both of your shoes off and smile to show how proud you are of yourself. I am also so proud of you too. I love watching figure out how things work

These are just a few of your favorite things that you love.
But most importantly I love you!
